Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Students in CAREER Pathways II - SY. 2008-2009

After three years of teaching in the STOHS curriculum (science high), this year, I was given some students from the RBEC curriculum. They are under the program of the Career Pathways. They are now in their second year level....hopefully....but out of the original 21, 12 were able to enroll this year....why? i guess it has to do something with proper scheduling....and the like....well as of this moment when they pose for this picture there were only 12 survivors....only 10 were present here since 2 were absent....upon posting this blog only 11 really survived, 1 student decided to drop...because of failing grades from other subjects...its really sad 'coz he was really good in computers, especially in our class. To Lency....hope you will decide to come back....